Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gratitude for my Savior

As a child of Heavenly Father, I lived my life as many others. I believed in God. I believed Jesus Christ was my Savior. I attended church. I tried to help anyone who may have a need. However, I did not have the "personal relationship" with my Savior and Heavenly Father until hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in it's pure form. We wander around aimlessly, with good intentions;professing what others should or should not do. Mankind takes the Bible and relies on his intelligence and hours of study to determine his qualification to interpret, then takes his interpretation and relays it to those who will listen. Some of what is said may be right on target, however, some will be way off base. Ultimately, the flock becomes stagnant..because they rely solely on someone else to feed them. This is where the distraction comes in. Our Savior told us he would leave his Spirit to be with us. I want to profess my sincere gratitude for that Gift.

Jesus left the Holy Ghost with us as our comforter, the testifier of truth and our spiritual GPs. He gave us a "spiritual cell phone" to communicate with him, however, most never pick up that phones up because they take the word of someone else (pastor, preacher, priest).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints teaches the Gospel in it's pure form, however, the church also teaches us to accept nothing blindly, petition the Holy Spirit on all matters...We should never take something and rely on our literal interpretation of what we read. We are instructed to get on our knees and ask. Do not ask your preacher, ask your Father. I am so thankful for this gift.

We are also taught the intimacy of our relationship with Heavenly Father and Our Savior is not limited..It is a direct result of our desire.
Jesus Christ is my Savior, my Redeemer. I know He died on the cross for me and all humanity. I know He lives. I know He was and is the perfect example for us. I know Heavenly Father granted free agency to allow for unlimited Spiritual growth. I love the peace and joy provided by the gospel and the safety net provided by the Holy Ghost.

I truly want the entire world to know that even though we may not know everything, we know enough to strive to be obedient and all then all else falls into place.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Jesus Mormons believe in

Tonight's topic...
The Jesus Mormons believe in..
Mormons believe in Jesus, who came here willing to atone for the sins of mankind...all mankind..
yes, Kirk Cameron, maybe even Hitler, if he accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We don't know and to assume we do, means we are trying to do something that was only given to one divine being to do.. Jesus Christ...
Do Mormons believe salvation is only found in Jesus Christ?
Absolutely, without the atonement of Jesus Christ to pay our debt, to fill the gap of our imperfections there is no salvation. So, do Mormons believe Jesus is the only way back to Heavenly Father? Yes, we do.
Do we believe that we just throw Jesus name around and it's all good ?
Not exactly, Yes, once you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, it's a done deal.
Eternal life is yours...however, there is more...
The "more" is not there for those seeking glory...
The "more" is not there to say that one person is better than another...
The "more" is not there for Mormons (or those of any faith) to believe just being a member is a sure win for a spot.
The "more" is there for those who truly desire to constantly grow closer to God.
The "more" is there for those who truly strive to do all that is asked of them by
the Spirit.
The "more" is there for those who unconditionally love all those given to Jesus Christ.
The "more" is there for those who are chastised for the work of Christ.
Now, what is the "more"?
Well, if you listen to the average "anti-Mormon" take on the plan of Happiness..
You are informed all Mormons believe themselves to some day become Gods...
The truth of the matter is, based on our desire to serve God ..we will be granted certain things..which equal..more serving of God as he wants us to.
Eternity is unending... and so, what are we all going to do?
Sit around , eat grapes and listen to harp music?
Nope..we will continue to grow (Spiritually), learn, ultimately progressing throughout eternity becoming more able to take on the tasks our Father would have us do.
Sound weird?
How so?
Jesus came here as our Savior..He was the word made flesh...His life and ministry were the perfect examples of giving all to Heavenly Father (his father, which he spoke of many times) ... He also made a point after his resurrection of having people touch him. They touched a tangible body..not a ghost like body. He taught that we would some day be resurrected and be united Spirit and flesh... He taught of the Holy Ghost as our guide once he left us. He was baptized by John the Baptist, who was ordained before birth to carry out that task. Yes, we believe Jesus is God of the Old Testament... the one who all things were created by and through..which was a task granted to him by his Father..... We also know that Jesus came here, became man and spoke of his Father. Jesus wasn't, he was speaking of and giving glory to his Father (someone other than himself). So, Mormons do believe that all things were made by Jesus Christ, who was given that task by his Heavenly Father. Jesus did all things to give the Glory to his Father.
Many...take that concept of "Jesus and Satan being brothers" and run to a place that makes no sense. We are all Spirit children of our Heavenly Father (God). Jesus Christ is our brother, Lord, Savior and first Spirit to proceed from his Father. He is the Son of God, who willing agreed to take on the task Heavenly Father wanted done. Satan, also a son of God..(as is Hitler, Judas, Charles Manson) wanted all to be given to him..yet,Satan had other things in store.
He wanted to take on the task Heavenly Father wanted done..but, wanted to the Glory for himself, not to glorify his Father. We know from the scriptures that Satan rebelled against God and a third of the hosts (Spirit children) chose to follow Satan and were cast out...never to obtain a body, have a mortal trial and progress to that example Jesus gave us of a resurrected body, Spirit and flesh.. immortal and perfected.'s all's all in the Bible. So, what is the big deal about Jesus being the brother of Satan? Does that make Jesus any less than the loving son of Heavenly Father, who took upon himself the sins of the world, gave his blood and died on the cross for us so that we may return to Our Father in Heaven?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Jesus and his greatness cannot be tarnished by the sins of his Spirit brother, Lucifer. Just as he is not tarnished by the many SINS WE COMMIT.
The Jesus Mormons believe in is the most loving, sacrificing, perfect example to ever walk this planet... He loved. He taught love. He did not teach people to run around judging one another. He did not teach people to run around bashing other faiths. He did not teach people to build a ministry of contentious arguments. He commands us to preach his gospel to all. Preach does not equal judge.
Preach does not mean condemn. Preach does not mean debate. Preach means..LOVE FIRST and TEACH his Gospel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect.
We can tell the goodness of the tree by the fruit it produces.
Stop, check out tree and see what it has produced.